Friday, May 6, 2011

Tools, timing, practice, and ALLIANCES

Pete and I were having a conversation in the Quonset this morning, JOTS was back from whatever the Girl Cat does when she takes herself on solitary adventures.  She was wet, and Pete was sitting in her chair.  Her only choice:  sit in Pete's lap.  The arrangement suit her.  "She needs her towel," I said from the comfort of the only other chair with a warm padded cushion.  Pete and I looked around.  No towel.  "Use the big one (he was sitting on it)."  With some jockying, Pete could wipe down the doused Girl Cat, and make his way back to our conversation.

We live in spaces redesigned after loss.  The thing we both see from this end of the journey so far is:  we're building on small, but more solid ground.  During the years of quaking loss, we had a time of it just staying alive.  We did it and are here to tell new stories.  This morning after JOTS resettled in Pete's lap, we hunkered down to share a bit of ElsaElsa.  Elsa had this post up about ALLIANCES, and I said, "You might want to read this one.  It's about what's happening now and will throughout the summer."  As best I can, let's see if our morning Quonset conversation can grow a braid of understand.  I weave this astrological hank here because:

  1. It's an example of tools, timing and practice
  2. It also builds on the shape of these COUNT ON THE MOON Workshops which grow in 4-Parts over the summer (April, May, June, July) 
Though astrology may not be your first language, Elsa P. does have a way of translating astrology so one get's something from the story.  Read this excerpt, which I've tucked under my own headings (TOOLS, TIMING, PRACTICE) and see how it vibes with you:

PRACTICE (Foundations are well, foundational! I think of the story of the 3 Little Pigs.)

For one thing it is going to leave you with no structure at all for a time and this is a prospect so daunting it’s very common to see a cracked foundation and tell yourself it doesn’t mean anything in this case – in your case....cracked foundations don’t fix themselves nor do they respond to superficial repairs."
TOOLS & TIMING (Astrology applied)

"The summer’s cardinal t-square involves Saturn (structure), Uranus (unexpected) and Pluto (death, collapse etc.)  The earthquake in Japan is a stunning example of this but it plays in our personal lives as well.  Things we rely on for support (Saturn) can and will suddenly (Uranus) be taken from some of us (Pluto) and even if it’s not you, it will effect you.
As an example, I know of a couple who both lost their jobs.  One of their friends took them in and it took a year for these people to get on their feet, point being if something happens to the person next to you, it can easily become your burden."
PRACTICE (Wisdom is found in many places)

"The absolute best thing you can do right now is cement your relationships with others and I’ll explain my thinking on this.    Uranus and Pluto are outer planets as in outside your control. Saturn is not.    Saturn is in Libra and it is just obvious and overwhelmingly clear that strong alliances with others will be the thing that will support you through whatever may come.
Specifically you want to stock your life with people you can rely on and BE someone people can rely on.  Work hard to not burden others unnecessarily because if you do, they are going to throw you off at some point.  Basically, try to pitch in and play well with others because as someone told me 33 years ago, “It’s the little people who have do everything...”

The work and the adventure involved in launching the wa'a kaulua (canoe) of COUNT ON THE MOON Workshops is all about using tools, timing, practices and building ALLIANCES.  The foundational work is in the mana'o of COUNT ON THE MOON , that first month of study and practice with moon time and Mahina.  The energy of shifting and loss will effect all of us on Earth.  The shift is inevitable ... out of our control in some/whatever regard, but there are things we can do about it.

The 'things we can do about it' are KULEANA ... within our world of responsibility.  We get to decide to see.  We get to decide to be.  We get to decide and allow the best outcomes and people to flow under and into our lives.  Malama I Ka `Aina builds on what we believe to be true.  The exercise of looking to Mahina, for ourselves, creates alliance with YOU.  It builds your confidence. Here we (Pete and I) are launching this wa'a kaulua from the wooded island peak.  We throw net (see our main kane/man on the blog, standing his net?) and fish.  One moon at a time, we build a foundation more solid than that of a straw house.  We malama, malama, malama and learn to play fair, and be fair.


It's a journey, and tools, timing practices and alliances change.  A makua o'o is a being in progress, measured in moon-time the journey seems painstaking sometimes, quantum at others.  Link back to COUNT ON THE MOON and the basic life tools of Makua O'o

We are so happy to have you here, building alliances with you, sharing what we have in our net.

As we move through the moons leading up to Olekuhahi early next week, consider the tools, timing and practices in your life.  Who are your allies? Who considers you a worthy ally?

...Most of you know that damage to the foundation of a structure spells doom for that structure unless extreme measures are taken and even then partial collapse of the building is likely...

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